Jules Deslandes is an artist who works on the expressive use of game engines, 3D animation and digital fabrication technologies. Coming from an artistic education revolving mainly around traditional mediums, more specifically painting, he made a turn towards digital arts after his undergrad study. Nevertheless, the knowledge acquired around drawing, painting, sculpture and different theories of art always accompany his practice. His attraction to digital mediums comes mainly from the possibilities of world building and interactivity that often characterise them. Among the recurring concepts of his practice are the human representation, reuse, remix and agency. A certain humor emerges from his production. He sees the subversion of technologies normally associated with popular entertainment not only as a conceptual opening towards new modes of cultural consumption, but also as an emerging aesthetic approach teeming with new possibilities. For example, he is just as interested in the use of arcade mechanisms as a reinterpretation of art archives as he is in procedural generation techniques as an alternative mode of consuming paintings on screen.



Exploration and Research, Digital Arts, CALQ, 2023

Support for Cultural Offerings in the Educational Pathway, Ministry of Culture and Communications, (with Mégane Voghell), 2023

A school hosts an artist or writer, Ministry of Education, (with Mégane Voghell), 2022

Residencies :

Tableau fuyant, Pierre Laporte High School, 2022 (with Mégane Voghell in the grant program une école accueille un artiste ou un écrivain)

Vidéo Up, Galerie Galerie, 2017

Solo show:

Reenactment d’archives de la performance comme artists’ games, perte de signale,  2021

Group shows :

Quincaillerie, Vitrine Gham & Dafe, 2023

Le Parcours artistique d’Hochelaga-Maisonneuve 2, fondation Guido Molinari, 2023

Une ligne de +, Gham et Dafe, 2023

Glaneuse, Papier 2022, Galerie Galerie, 2022(With Mégane Voghell)

Sonnet à la science. Ode à la magie, Casa Project, 2022 (With Mégane Voghell)

Vivarium (Tutorial Art), KidsLab, perte de signal, 2020

Chaud Maintenant/ Hot right Now, WIP Montréal, 2019

Vidange, GHAM&DAFE, 2019 (Curator)

Immersia, Batiment 7, 2019

ELO 2018 Mind The Gap! , Exhibition gallery of the Design pavillion of UQAM, 2018

APPROXIMATELY 800cm3 OF PLA  ,University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, May 2018

Vidéo UP , Galerie Galerie / Studio XX , 2017

Encan Bénéfice Galerie Galerie, Galerie Galerie/Eastern Bloc, 2017

Salon Data Arcade XXX, Eastern Bloc, 2017, (Artist and Curator)

Les Scout is not Dead, l’espace des même, Montréal,2017 (les Scouts Collective)

Yami-Ishi NY2, KnockDown Center, Brooklyn,2016 (PUNKLAB)

Art Hack day Per Capita, Eastern Bloc, 2016 (PUNKLAB)


PunkLab wiringDay, Arduino day, Société des Arts et technologies(SAT), 2016  (PUNKLAB)

Don't Panic, GHAM&DAFE, 2016

PunkLab s'expose, Hochelaga, 2015 (PUNKLAB)

Les Souts en Autarcie, GHAM&DAFE, 2015 (les Scouts Collective)

Montréal Creative, imaginer le montréal du futur, espace ArtTV place des arts, en collaboration avec ÉchoFab, 2015 (PUNKLAB)

Paramètres 2015, Place des Arts, 2015

Table ronde ICI-UQAM: «L'art de s'exposer. Contenus illicites - Projets controversés», exposant dans le cadre de la conférence à l'UQÀM, 2014 (Curateted by Christine Major)


My work, Bois de Boulogne College, 2022

Sur_exposition 3, Hexagram, Mimesis center and UQAC-NAD, 2021


Démo, Hexagram, 2021


Ouverture de lab_Jules Deslandes, perte de signal, 2021 https://www.facebook.com/pertedesignal/videos/567571131242899

Résidence VidéoUP, Studio XX , 2017

My work, Cégep de St-Hyacinthe, 2017


Étude du reenactment d'archives emblématiques de performances artistiques par la pratique du artists' game, constellation, ProQuest, 2022 https://constellation.uqac.ca/8381/

Trop de réalité, fanzine, Le lobe, 2018

Interview radio show « Les Geek ont raison » – CISM 89,3 – 12 avril 2017 http://cism893.ca/emissions/les-geeks-ont-raison/
Article « Eastern Bloc and TAG invites you to Data : Salon, an arcade of experimental video games exploring the poetics of virtual environments » -Technoculture, Art and Games (TAG) – 29 mars 2017 http://tag.hexagram.ca/events/data-salon-xxx-13th-april-7pm-eastern-bloc/